Filtered Publications for "disease management"


Publications 2
Co-authors 11
Journals 1



Posters and Podiums

www info Horton D., Yang J., Neikirk A., Huang C., Crystal S., Davidow A., Haynes K., Gerhard T., Rose C., Strom B., and Parlett L., "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Management of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: An Analysis of National United States Administrative Claims Data" poster at American College of Rheumatology's ACR Convergence 2022, November 2022.
www info Parlett L., Yang Y., Huang C., Neikirk A., Davidow A., Haynes K., Gerhard T., Rose C., Strom B., and Horton D., "Healthcare Utilization and Treatment Among Newly Diagnosed and Prevalent Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis During the First Year of COVID-19 Pandemic in the US" poster at International Society for Pharmacoepidemology's ICPE 2022, August 2022.