Filtered Publications for "hospitalization"


Publications 5
Co-authors 42
Journals 4



www info Lo Rei III V., Carbonari D., Jacob J., Short W., Leonard C., Lyons J., Kennedy A., Damon J., Haug N., Zhou E., Graham D., McMahill-Walraven C., Parlett L., Nair V., Selvan M., Zhou Y., Pocobelli G., Maro J., and Nguyen M., "Validity of ICD-10-CM diagnoses to identify hospitalizations for serious infections among patients treated with biologic therapies" in Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, vol. 30(7), pp. 899--909, July 2021.
www info Parlett L., Ma Q., Shi Q., Crawford G., Scott L., Wiley V., and Agiro A., "Burden of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis among children with type 2 diabetes mellitus" in Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome, vol. 13(1), pp. 47, April 2021.

Posters and Podiums

www info Kappelman M., Parlett L., Haynes K., Selvan M., Ma Q., Nair V., Adimadhyam S., Hou L., Wolfe A., Toh D., Burns J., Dorand J., Lewis J., and Long M., "Systemic Corticosteroids but Not Anti-TNF Are Associated With Increased Risk of Hospitalization, Intensive Care, and Death Among Patients With IBD: Results From a Large, Population-based Cohort" poster at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2022, May 2022.
www info Parlett L., Agiro A., Devries A., and Brown S., "Drivers of Hospital Length of Stay for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Is It Time to Screen Broadly?" poster at AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting 2020, July 2020.
www info Parlett L., Gordon A., Sylvestrzak M., White J., Power T., and Barron J., "Hospitalization Rates and Costs Among Real World Users of Sacubitril/Valsartan versus Other Heart Failure Medications" podium at American Heart Association's AHA Scientific Sessions 2018, November 2018.