Filtered Publications for "inflammatory bowel disease"


Publications 5
Co-authors 36
Journals 4



www info Adimadhyam S., Lewis J., Simon A., Wolfe A., Smith S., Hou L., Moyner E., Reynolds J., Toh D., Dobes A., Parlett L., Haynes K., Burris J., Dorand J., Long M., and Kappelman M., "Real-world Evidence Comparing Tofacitinib and Vedolizumab in Anti-TNF-experienced Patients With Ulcerative Colitis" in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, vol. 30(4), pp. 554--562, April 2024.
www info Lewis J., Parlett L., Jonsson-Funk M., Brensinger C., Pate V., Wu Q., Dawwas G., Weiss A., Constant B., McCauley M., Haynes K., Yang J., Schaubel D., Hurtado-Lorenzo A., and Kappelman M., "Incidence, Prevalence and Racial and Ethnic Distribution of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the United States" in Gastroenterology, July 2023.
www info Kappelman M., Lewis J., Zhang X., Lin F., Weisbein L., Chen W., Burris J., Dorand J., Parlett L., Haynes K., Nair V., Kaul A., Dobes A., and Long M., "Comparing Patient-Reported Outcomes Among Anti-TNF-Experienced Patients with Crohn’s Disease Initiating Vedolizumab Versus Ustekinumab" in Digestive Diseases and Sciences, April 2023.

Posters and Podiums

www info Kappelman M., Parlett L., Haynes K., Selvan M., Ma Q., Nair V., Adimadhyam S., Hou L., Wolfe A., Toh D., Burns J., Dorand J., Lewis J., and Long M., "Systemic Corticosteroids but Not Anti-TNF Are Associated With Increased Risk of Hospitalization, Intensive Care, and Death Among Patients With IBD: Results From a Large, Population-based Cohort" poster at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2022, May 2022.
www info Lewis J., Brensinger C., Parlett L., Pate V., Wu Q., Weiss A., Dawwas G., Schaubel D., Hurtado-Lorenzo A., McCauley M., Nessel L., Haynes K., and Kappelman M., "More Than 2.6 Million Cases of Provider-diagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the United States" poster at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2022, May 2022.